Great news! The City Council and City staff applied for three different grants, two of which they have won. These will pay for almost all of the repair on the water tower which was just a bit south of $300K.
(Incidentally, they have applied for three different grants and if the third grant comes through, it will pay for ALL of the repairs!)
The first is the Community Block Development Grant (DCGB) award from the Kansas Department of Commerce. That grant would still have required us to come up with $68K dollars in matching funds. However, a Technical Assistance Grant also come through from the Kansas Water Office for around $52K dollars, so the City (citizens) of Potwin will only have to cough up around $16K dollars. This only includes the water tower repair and not partial replacement of water lines which was part of the original conversation that began two years ago.
Elevation: 1340 feet * N 37°56.372 *W 97° 01.202 Population: 433 Located in Butler County (BU), Potwin is a bedroom community to the city of Wichita. Potwin maintains old fashion values and enjoys the economic productivity and quality of life of a metropolitan city. Potwin boasts the second lowest tax base in the county and our location on K196, between I-135 and the Kansas Turnpike (I-35) affords us an advantageous location for motor freight shipments. It also places us within 30 minutes of Wichita and 3 hours of Kansas City. With permission from neighboring farmers, a hunter can find in one area almost any species of game he would care to hunt, including pheasant, quail, prairie chicken, dove, deer, migratory birds, fox, raccoon, coyotes, turkey and cottontail rabbits. The Potwin community is a quiet town with clean air and caring people who are interested in community development. We invite you to join us as we pave the way into the twenty first century.