Potwin Arts and Community Education
Potwin PRIDE, Inc., is restarting classes offered by volunteers in the community, but are open to anyone who wants to attend. Thus far, we have these classes that will be offered:
LaVonne Baker
- Baking/cooking
Michal Austin
- Creating a hardcover book (journal/sketchbook)
- Black Light Art Project
Heath Austin
- Self Defense
Rick McNary
Make your own customized cutting board
Fly Fishing in Kansas
Learn how to turn wooden pens on a lathe
Other topics will include:
Gardening basics
Although the instructors do it for free, sometimes there will be a small charge to cover cost of materials. It all depends on what the class will be.
Are you interested in teaching a class? If so, either comment below or DM me and I’ll connect you to the right people!
If you want to be specifically informed of all events as they come up, just hit the “like” or “love” button and we’ll put you on the list of automatic notices.
Other projects PRIDE hosts. Please watch for details on dates & times!
- City Wide Garage Sales held on 2nd Friday & Saturday in June
- City Wide Clean Up (with the City of Potwin)
- National Night Out
- Yard of the Month
- Community Garden