Employment Opportunities

Now hiring:

Please contact to apply or for more details.

OFFICE: (620) 752-3422
EMAIL: potwinks@wheatstate.com
Or contact Mayor Heath Austin
email: mayorofpotwin@gmail.com
Printable Application
Part Time Maintenance


This is skilled and unskilled work in maintaining city streets and water, sewer systems and equipment thereof. An employee of this class performs manual tasks and operates various mechanical tools and equipment to maintain the water and sewer systems. Work is normally closely supervised by the City Maintenance, however, routine, repetitive tasks once learned may be performed under general supervision.


  • Reads water meters
  • Assists with work delegated by the City Maintenance
  • Performs park and street maintenance work such as laying concrete, blacktop and patching street surfaces, repairing and maintaining park grounds and facilities
  • Cleans and maintains city streets and parks (mowing and etc…)
  • Performs work for various city departments as required


  • Possesses a valid Kansas driver’s license
  • Knowledge of the operation of city equipment
  • Knowledge of job related safety practices
  • Skilled in the use of and care of tools and equipment
  • Ability to assist other departments in the performance of varied tasks
  • Ability to follow oral and written instructions
  • Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with municipal officers, and fellow employees and the general public
  • Graduate of a standard high school or vocational school with some experience in job related field or any equivalent combination of training and experience which provides the required knowledge, ability and skills

Elevation: 1340 feet * N 37°56.372 *W 97° 01.202 Population: 433 Located in Butler County (BU), Potwin is a bedroom community to the city of Wichita. Potwin maintains old fashion values and enjoys the economic productivity and quality of life of a metropolitan city. Potwin boasts the second lowest tax base in the county and our location on K196, between I-135 and the Kansas Turnpike (I-35) affords us an advantageous location for motor freight shipments. It also places us within 30 minutes of Wichita and 3 hours of Kansas City. With permission from neighboring farmers, a hunter can find in one area almost any species of game he would care to hunt, including pheasant, quail, prairie chicken, dove, deer, migratory birds, fox, raccoon, coyotes, turkey and cottontail rabbits. The Potwin community is a quiet town with clean air and caring people who are interested in community development. We invite you to join us as we pave the way into the twenty first century.