


Notice is hereby given pursuant to K.S.A. 19-3605, that the governing body for the City of Potwin, at its regular scheduled City Council meeting to be held on Monday, April 14, 2025 at 7:00 p.m., in the Potwin Community House basement, 201 N. Miller St., Potwin, Kansas, shall conduct a public hearing of its intention to
petition the Butler County Board of County Commissioners to have all of the City of Potwin to be included within a proposed fire district in the county.
Any person may address the governing body for the City of Potwin on this matter by appearing at the public hearing to provide comment.
A hard copy of the proposed resolution may be obtained at 207 N. Randall, Potwin, Kansas, or a copy is posted on the Potwin, Kansas website at https://potwinks.com/. You can also email a request for a copy to
This Notice of Public Hearing is required to be published not less than 20
days prior to a regular meeting in the official city newspaper.

Heath Austin, Mayor
Susan Whiteside, City Clerk

19-3605. Inclusion of certain cities within district; procedure
Potwin Logo EST 1885

Start planning now! Potwin Yard Sale Days will be June 13 & 14.

The City of Potwin webpage is currently being updated. If you have a business/organization/event you feel should be highlighted please email Mayor Heath Austin
Now Hiring!
Please check the “Employment Opportunities” page for details
You can now pay your water bill online! 

Elevation: 1340 feet * N 37°56.372 *W 97° 01.202 Population: 433 Located in Butler County (BU), Potwin is a bedroom community to the city of Wichita. Potwin maintains old fashion values and enjoys the economic productivity and quality of life of a metropolitan city. Potwin boasts the second lowest tax base in the county and our location on K196, between I-135 and the Kansas Turnpike (I-35) affords us an advantageous location for motor freight shipments. It also places us within 30 minutes of Wichita and 3 hours of Kansas City. With permission from neighboring farmers, a hunter can find in one area almost any species of game he would care to hunt, including pheasant, quail, prairie chicken, dove, deer, migratory birds, fox, raccoon, coyotes, turkey and cottontail rabbits. The Potwin community is a quiet town with clean air and caring people who are interested in community development. We invite you to join us as we pave the way into the twenty first century.